Dorper x sheep

Our sheep, like the cattle, are a mixed bunch! We have dorper x sheep because they do not need shearing and they are wonderful mothers. They are a close knit unit when they move across the paddock, not spread out all over the place like "normal" sheep. This makes them able to look after their babies from the foxes better. They are also very very good lambers. They would average 1.5 births each per year and many of those are twins or triplets. Unfortunately "coloured" sheep are not so popular at the market (we sell for fat lambs) but they do make a wonderful coloured flock in the paddock!

Our sheep are generally good regarding fencing, they stay on the property at least, unlike the goats sometimes! Although sometimes they get the wanders up and decide they need a new paddock and fresh grass to munch on. Why they would ever leave the lucerne paddocks is boyond me though!
Off to market.
Bambi, the pet damara who started it all

Bambi grown up

Pretty sheep on the move